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Astro React Tailwind CSS TypeScript
Published: at 01:44 AM

Ruhis is my personal portfolio and blog. I made it to showcase my projects and skills. I made my first website in 2012 and since then, I’ve remade it probably like 50 times. The current version is called ‘v4’. I’ve used many different technologies and frameworks, but I always end up remaking it, because I want to try something new.


Version: v4 | Dec’2024 - Present

This time I decided to use Astro, as I wanted to try something different from Next.js, which I’ve used in my previous projects. I found this cool theme called AstroPaper which fit my needs perfectly. I’ve made some modifications to the theme and I’m really happy with the result. One feature I wanted to have was the ability to write blog posts, which is now possible and really easy to do with Astro. The website is fully static and without the custom font, it’s only about 40 KB in size!

Version: v3 | Sep’2022 - Dec’2024

The third “modern” version of my website was also made with Next.js and extremely modified version of Bootstrap. It had a dark theme with a lot of JavaScript, which unfortunately made it quite heavy. I really liked the design of it and it actually landed me a job, so I guess it was pretty good! My favorite part of it were the little easter eggs I had hidden around the website (like working terminal).

Screenshot of the first version of my website

Version: v2 | Aug’2021 - Sep’2022

The second “modern” version of my website was made with Next.js. I wasn’t particularly happy with the design of it, but it was a good learning experience. During this time I also made a lot of other projects and was quite busy with studying, so I didn’t have much time to work on my website. I still have the source code of this version, but I don’t have any screenshots of it.

Legacy (multiple) | 2012 - Aug’2021

I have made my first website in 2012. It was a really simple HTML website with a few pages (and a visitor counter ofc!) and it was hosted on a free web hosting service up until 2015. I had a lot of fun making it and I learned a lot about HTML and CSS. I have made many versions of my website since then, but I don’t most of them anymore. Here is a screenshot of the first ever version of my website:

Screenshot of the first version of my website